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如果有人找碴说道断章取义,那么很非常简单,请求你自己读书英文,如果你读书没法,请求你自己去找人翻译成。(译为/王小东)Actress Stone and Dior Differ Over ApologyBy CATHY HORYNPublished: June 1, 2008THERE is no denying that the high-heeled foot in Sharon Stones mouth at the Cannes Film Festival belongs to the actress herself. She admitted that her comments suggesting that karmic retribution may have caused the devastating earthquakes in China were blithering.Skip to next paragraph那个大错特错的话认同是这个女演员自己说道的。她否认关于灾祸的众说纷纭是胡说八道。Clearly, I sound like an idiot, said Ms. Stone on Thursday evening from her home in Los Angeles, after she had watched a widely viewed Internet video of her remarks from Cannes.In the red-carpet interview on May 22, Ms. Stone, who was about to enter a fund-raising gala for the American Foundation for AIDS Research, of which she was a host, told a journalist: Im not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I dont think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And the earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When youre not nice that bad things happen to you?很显著,我变得像个白痴,莎朗斯通在看了视频之后说道。

The comments created a stir in the Chinese news media and on blogs, and Dior, which has a modeling contract with Ms. Stone for a face cream, removed her from advertising in China, fearing a backlash. Diors Shanghai office issued a statement in which Ms. Stone was quoted apologizing: I am deeply sorry and sad about hurting Chinese people.In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks. She insisted her comments in Cannes had been taken out of context. She also said that she resisted Diors efforts at damage control, and that the apology issued in her name distorted her words.在星期四四十五分钟的电话专访中,莎朗斯合开始时吵嚷,继而对自己的评论回应后悔。她坚决说道自己在嘎纳的评论被断章取义了。

她也说道她赞成迪奥的危机处理方式,以她的名字公开发表的致歉歪曲了她的原话。Early last week, Ms. Stone said, she received a call from Sidney Toledano, the chief executive of Dior, which hired the actress for beauty advertisements in 2005. I talked to Sidney and I said: Lets get serious here. You guys know me very well. Im not going to apologize. Im certainly not going to apologize for something that isnt real and truenot for face creams. 莎朗斯合说道:本周早些时候,她跟迪奥的CEO通了电话,说道:我会致歉,我会因为造假的、欺诈的东西致歉Ms. Stone said the interview in Cannes with her remarks about Tibet and karma came at the end of a media line of 80 to 100 television crews. She believes, but is not certain, the interviewer was from a Hong Kong television station. The call letters on the microphone are blurred out on Internet sites showing the video.If Ms. Stones expression in the video seemed unduly happy as she referred to the earthquakes in Sichuan Province, which have taken the lives of more than 68,000 people, it may be because, as she said on Thursday, she had recently been in communication with the Bridge Fund, which does work on behalf of Tibetans, and was touched by the groups relief efforts in the devastated area.。



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